When you think of obtaining braces for yourself or a family member, you may envision a mouth full of metal wires with your teeth etched into them.
When you think of obtaining braces for yourself or a family member, you may envision a mouth full of metal wires with your teeth etched into them.
For individuals who have made their smile a priority this year, we rate the various orthodontic treatment choices based on their 'invisibility'
If you have crooked teeth and/or a misaligned bite (an underbite or overbite), braces and retainers are two treatments that may help correct your teeth.
A third of children need orthodontic treatment. Find out the answers to some frequently asked questions concerning braces and orthodontics.
Invisible Braces are clear, removable orthodontic devices used to straighten teeth. The aligners will progressively straighten your teeth until the desired outcome is achieved at the conclusion of your treatment.
Braces or Orthodontic treatment for kids is a dental method focused on development.
Orthodontic braces have long been a well-known and widely used method for teeth alignment.
Clear Braces are the latest orthodontic method that does not involve the use of brackets and wires.
After patients remove their braces and complete orthodontic treatment, the dentist will always prescribe the use of retainers to be worn at home.
Braces are a common orthodontic method for correcting dental and aesthetic imperfections effectively.
Choosing An Orthodontist Dentist in Ho Chi Minh City for braces can be challenging due to the numerous dental addresses available.